Thank you
Greetings friends and art lovers,
Over the last few newsletters I’ve been sharing stories of pivotal events in my life as an artist. With every story I’ve been reminded of how many people I want to thank for my progress (look for more on “thank-you’s” in a future newsletter). I’ve also realized that it’s not just people I want to thank–it’s also circumstances.
Maybe that seems a bit strange to say? But as I wrote these stories I saw how significant it has been that I sometimes had a challenge to face instead of clear sailing, or that I received a “no” when I was hoping for a “yes.” In the early days of being an artist it was often discomfort that got me going. Further along my path it was maturity that gave me agency–hard-won through enough ups and downs to help me understand how to build the parts of my career. And it wasn’t just a matter of weathering the storm–I also saw how sometimes it is a happy coincidence of factors that results in an expansion in my process or a breakthrough in my thinking.
I would like to formally say “thank you” to all the times when I didn’t get what I expected but instead received so much more. It is an amazing and beautiful universe that encourages us to expand through letting go.